Dec 19, 2010

Mus'ab bin Umair dan Fiqh Dakwah Masyarakat 1

Pembuka awal kota Madinah, pemuda yang syahid di jalan dakwah. - Mus'ab bin Umair.
Dengan tangannyalah Islamnya Usaid bin Khudair, manusia duduk bertilawah bersama malaikat. Dengan tangannya juga Islamnya Saad bin Muaz, manusia yang kematiannya telah menggegarkan arasy Allah SWT.

Mus'ab bin Umair berperanan penting dalam Hijrah Rasulullah; terutamanya ketika tempoh persediaan Hijrah. Rasulullah telah menghantar Mus'ab sebagai duta Islam yang pertama ke Yathrib, kerana beliau adalah seorang pemuda yang baik perilakunya, cantik rupa parasnya dan lembut tingkah lakunya.

Mus'ab bin Umair menjadikan rumah As'ad bin Zurarah sebagai pejabat Kedutaan Islam yang pertama dan beroperasi sebagai pusat penyebaran Islam. Penduduk Yathrib kagum dengan kebaikan akhlak dan ketampanan wajah Mus'ab bin Umair sekaligus menarik mereka untuk datang ke pejabat Kedutaan Islam dan memahami Islam dengan lebih dalam.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, Mus'ab bin Umair sendiri masuk ke setiap rumah untuk menyebarkan risalah Islam. Sehinggakan tiada satupun rumah yang tidak diketuk oleh Mus'ab bin Umair. Usaha keras beliau menyebabkan majoriti penduduk Yathrib memeluk Islam. Beliau kemudiannya menyusun penduduk Yathrib membentuk masyarakat sehingga Rasulullah mengizinkan untuk mendirikan solat Jumaat di sana. Mus'ab menjadi orang yang pertama memimpin solat Jumaat di Yathrib.

Marilah kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar dari kesungguhan dan pengorbanan Mus'ab bin Umair untuk membangunkan Islam. Marilah kita belajar dari Mus'ab bin Umair yang telah membentuk penduduk Yathrib sehingga iman mereka sangat tinggi dan mendorong mereka untuk itsar, berkorban, berjuang dan mati di jalan Allah SWT.

Mus'ab bin Umair ibarat seorang putera ketika di Mekah. Namun, matinya beliau dengan kedua tangannya terpotong, dadanya ditembusi tombak.

The Winter of Islam, and The Spring to Come

About 1400 years have passed since the first day of the emergence of a new era to a small part of me. I could still remember how this new way of life had changed so many aspects in the human’s life. Not only them, I was affected too. Never once in my life had I felt the peace and tranquillity as how Islam could offer. Or at least, it had been ages since I could take a deep breath. I witnessed on top of me, after Islam had spread to almost two third of the world, most human lead a peaceful and content life. As for me, the nature was best preserved by the Muslims.

I could still remember sharing clean air with the human. Also, I provided trees as shade for them. I could no longer hear the tantrum or feel the resentment of human after the emergence of Islam. How sweet those days were for me. I long for those days to come again.

Time passes by and I witness the changes that occur through time. From the day the Prophet s.a.w. gave sermon to his companions, till the day Islam ruled over me and now, Islam has absolutely nothing left. Ever since the year 1924, Islam was no longer the ruler of human. In fact, Muslims have lost their place to take shelter in. Even worse, I watched them being oppressed by the others. In some parts of me, they were even tormented by other people.

These days, I see rifles, bombs, machine guns and even rockets, have always been used against the Muslims. Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine, and Bosnia are among parts of me where the Muslims living there are violently being assaulted. I can hear their cries throughout the day. Countless tears have silently dropped over me. Houses are damaged. Schools are destroyed. Women are raped. People of all ages are killed with such cruelty. Blood are spilled as if human worth nothing! I could see clearly the terror in their pearly eyes against such inhumane act.

I know the Muslims must be very frightened by their enemy. They are in agony. They feel pain all the time. They were hurt. Believe me, I truly understand how they feel. I was hurt too. In fact, I suffer through this longer than what they have been through. I can barely remember the feeling of being happy. Being peaceful are no longer in my dictionary. Those sweet memories I had are starting to fade away slowly. I don’t want to just cling to those memories! I want to live happily again!

Dear Muslims of all nations, you have been living on me since some time. To your surprise, you are actually the cause of the horror you are living in. I have witnessed the Muslims before you, they were nothing like you. They were strong. They were firm with their stand. They lived as how a Muslim should be and you are nothing like them. Therefore, I bag all of you to wake up and rise. Be strong. Have a grip hold to what the Prophet s.a.w left you; the holy Quran and Al-Hadith. Learn and understand in detail of the two possessions you have. Only by this you could stand and fight again.

I could still remember clearly of the promise made by the Prophet. He promised that Islam will rise again one day. I believe him as I had never seen him tell lies. I also believe that only by practising Islam can you rise again my dear Muslims. Believe me my dear Muslims as I have witnessed this by my two eyes.